Tayeb Ebrahimizadeh
…linguistic rights of the Azerbaijani ethnic minority. Security forces temporarily detained Ebrahimzadeh on September 23, 2006, during a peaceful protest demanding the right to teach Azeri language in primary schools…. ...
…linguistic rights of the Azerbaijani ethnic minority. Security forces temporarily detained Ebrahimzadeh on September 23, 2006, during a peaceful protest demanding the right to teach Azeri language in primary schools…. ...
…linguistic rights of the Azeri ethnic minority. Security forces temporarily detained Hosseinzadeh on September 23, 2006, during a peaceful protest demanding the right to teach Azeri language in primary schools…. ...
…health and safety of imprisoned journalist Mohammad Hasan Falahiezadeh. He has been on hunger strike since 5 October to protest the failure to honor his basic rights as a prisoner…. ...
(16 June 2008) Security and intelligence agents are regularly contacting and terrorizing nine former student detainees with threats of prosecution under the charge of apostasy that can result in execution… ...
(10 June, 2008) We, the undersigned, representing international women’s and human rights organizations, express our solidarity with Iranian women, on 12 June 2008. This is the day identified by women’s… ...
(29 May 2008) Security forces and riot police attacked a peaceful gathering of thousands of workers from the Haft-Tapeh Sugar factory in the southern Iranian city of Shush on 26… ...
(16 May 2008) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran is calling on Iranian judicial authorities to account, in terms of Iranian and international law, for the detention on… ...
(Brussels, 7 May 2008) The European Union (EU) should deny visas to Iranian officials who have participated in grave human rights abuses and freeze bank assets held in the EU,… ...
(April 7, 2008) Mahmoud Salehi completed his one-year prison sentence on March 23, 2008. However, local judiciary officials refused to release him and instead brought new charges against him relating… ...
(21 March 2008) Iranian Judiciary officials are refusing to free Mahmoud Salehi, an imprisoned union leader, who is due to complete his sentence on March 23, 2008. A prosecutor has… ...
UPDATE: (15 March 2008) On March 11, Iranian authorities released four students detained on the previous Sunday during the violent police attack. The detainees were held at the Intelligence Ministry’s… ...
(28 February 2008) Jalil Ghaniloo (30), arrested by intelligence agents on May 26, 2007 in Zanjan, is a freelance journalist and political activist. He is being held without charge. Authorities… ...
(29 February 2008) The Iranian government has intensified its prosecution of women’s rights activists. During the past week, two activists were detained, two summoned to court, and two others put… ...