Heavy Sentences For Students on the Way: 15 Years for Ali Kantoori

Ali Kantoori, a student activist sentenced to 15 years in prison, he has denied all the charges against him.
Following very heavy prison sentences and bail orders as high as $500,000 for political and student activists, Ali Kantoori, a student political activist was sentenced to 15 years in prison. His sentence was issued by Branch 104 of the Sanandaj General Court. A student activist close to his case told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that there is no evidence in Kantoori’s case to support such a heavy sentence.
According to this source, court authorities did not take any of Kantoori’s statements or those of his attorney’s into consideration, and the sentence has been issued without regard to his defense. the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has been informed that this sentence has been issued just as other student activists in Iran have also faced heavy sentences. Some families have been attempting to contact the courts and judges before sentences are announced publicly, so that the sentences may be reconsidered and reduced, though none of these efforts seem to have been successful so far.
Kantoori was arrested in December 2007, near his residence in Qazvin. He was transferred to ward 209 of Evin prison and then to Ghezel Hesar Prison. After five months in prison, he was released in May 2008, on bail of $150,000. The Sanandaj Revolutionary Court first sentenced him to 32 months in prison on charges of propagation and mutiny and actions against national security, among other charges. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison at a trial which addressed his other charges. His attorney was informed of his sentence on 23 February 2010.
The sentencing came after Kantoori denied all charges made against him. His attorney has stated that there is no evidence supporting the charges against Kantoori.