Iran Moves to Silence Journalists, Activists Ahead of Parliamentary Elections
Tehran-Based Reporter: “They Want Us to Stop Writing” February 11, 2020 – The intelligence arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is summoning ...
Tehran-Based Reporter: “They Want Us to Stop Writing” February 11, 2020 – The intelligence arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is summoning ...
February 10, 2020 – Detainees held in Iran since the November 2019 street protests—including juveniles—are being beaten, forced to make self-incriminating statements and held ...
In a letter from Evin Prison in Tehran where he has been held since October 2015, Iranian American businessman Siamak Namazi asked Judiciary Chief Ebrahim Raisi why his requests for furlough have been repeatedly denied while those around him continue to be allowed to go ...
Dissidents who were sentenced to prison in Iran after calling for the resignation of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei are facing additional charges, an attorney ...
Iranian authorities are continuing to pressure the family of Borhan Mansournia, who died from a bullet wound in the back when ...
Iranian government agents pressured at least one family member of Nasser Rezaie, a protester who died after being shot at a street demonstration in the city of Karaj on November 17, 2019, to falsely describe Nasser as a passerby who was shot by “rebels,” his ...
For the first time, the complete text of Iran’s "Law to Protect the Rights of the Disabled" is available in English. A translation of the Persian-language law by the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) ...
New Rule Strengthens Long-Standing Discrimination Against Persecuted Religious Minorities, Especially Bahai’s January 27, 2020 – In a new rule that severely discriminates against ...
January 21, 2020 - Since being jailed in the severely restrictive Ward-2A of Iran's Evin Prison, British-Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert has ...
University of Tehran personnel assisted a raid by state forces on a dormitory that resulted in at least eight students being arrested as they gathered for a protest, an eyewitness told the Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) ...
After putting blame on Iran’s Supreme Leader for the downing of a Ukrainian passenger plane, new restrictions have been imposed on former presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi, who has been under extra-judicial house arrest in Tehran for nearly nine years, the Center for Human Rights in ...
Victim Was Caregiver of Mother, and Brother With Down Syndrome The family of Mohammad Hashamdar, who was killed by a bullet ...
Growing Numbers of Bystanders Killed Reflects Security Forces’ Indiscriminate Firing at Civilians “God will not forgive this injustice...they were firing bullets and beating ...
Alireza Ghandchi: "They Have Taken Away My Family and Destroyed My Life" A man whose wife and two children were killed after the ...
Eyewitnesses Report Heavy Paramilitary Presence, Internet and Phone Disruptions Protesters were physically attacked and arrested at universities in Tehran and other Iranian cities ...
Addressing the Nuclear Deal is Not Enough; Rights Issues Are Central to Region’s Stability 28-Country Bloc Should Call on Iranian Authorities to Respect ...
Hundreds of protesters and bystanders were killed in Iran last November when armed forces waged a violent crackdown on widespread demonstrations. Yet Iranians continued to risk their lives ...
Iranian security forces used what appeared to be live ammunition and tear gas to repress protests in Tehran on January 12, 2020, ...
January 11, 2020 – The Iranian people should be allowed to exercise their constitutional right to peaceful assembly without the threat of ...
Iran's judiciary should free all women and men who were arbitrarily detained as state forces violently repressed street protests this past November, said a ...
A grieving mother who vowed to continue pursuing her slain son’s pursuit of freedom. A housewife who lost her ...
Prisoner of Conscience Violently Transferred to Distant Prison for Demanding Justice for Slain Street Protesters By transferring prominent human rights activist Narges Mohammadi from Evin ...
The grandmother of Pouya Bakhtiari, a 27-year-old man who was gunned down at a street protest on November 16, 2019, said ...
Melboune University Scholar's Open Letter Describes: "Psychological Torture," Prolonged Solitary Confinement Unjust Arrest by Revolutionary Guards to "Lure" Her Husband to Iran 10-Year Prison ...
December 24, 2019 -- Two female academics held in Tehran’s Evin Prison called for international solidarity as they announced that they would be denying food and ...