Release of political prisoners
While many of the interviewees spoke in broad terms about the need for political and civil reforms, as mentioned above, the issue of the release of political ...
While many of the interviewees spoke in broad terms about the need for political and civil reforms, as mentioned above, the issue of the release of political ...
While many of the individuals interviewed expressed at least some degree of acceptance of the oft-circulated argument that political and social reforms must wait for a settlement of ...
The interviewees frequently spoke to the transformative effect that success or failure in the negotiations would have on domestic politics in Iran. Download the report here. Respondents ...
The interviewees frequently noted the great significance of the upcoming Parliamentary elections in February 2016, and the major effect a successful agreement would have in strengthening ...
In addition to improving the state of civil and political rights, a number of the respondents spoke passionately about the need for a cultural opening in ...
Many of the individuals interviewed spoke of the need to allow civil society to flourish and play its natural role in the country. They noted the ...
One area in which optimism was frequently expressed by the interviewees was the extent to which a successful agreement would allow for an increase in vital ...
This study by the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran has brought the voices of individuals representing various facets of Iranian civil society to the ...
The interviewees consistently expressed the view that expanding civil and political rights in the country was a priority that must be addressed in any post-deal environment. ...
In general, all interviewees agreed that the sanctions have caused tremendous erosion of the economic well-being of the population and that economic revitalization must be a ...
The respondents in this study overwhelmingly cited economic recovery and a loosening of restrictions on political, civil, social, and cultural freedoms as the domestic priorities for ...
The interviewees were unanimous that sanctions and Iran’s international isolation had been profoundly destructive to Iranian society, causing severe economic hardship. Indeed, directly contradicting the frequent ...
Such support—and hope—is not surprising. Over the past decade, many Iranians have experienced a collective state of despair and hopelessness in the face of debilitating sanctions, ...
Every single respondent in the study expressed unequivocal support for the negotiations, and a hope that they would result in a negotiated settlement over Iran’s nuclear ...
In conducting the study, the Campaign interviewed 28 members of Iranian civil society, reflecting many different spheres. The sampling was comprised of political figures, including former ...
This study presents the views of a cross-section of Iranian civil society on the effects of the outcome of the nuclear negotiations on the people of ...
• Strong support for the nuclear negotiations and hope for an agreement was unanimous and unequivocal among all of the respondents, and was held ...
Campaign Releases New Study on the Views of Civil Society in Iran June 22, 2015—Civil society in Iran remains steadfast and unequivocal in its support for the nuclear negotiations, and its members hope for an agreement that will end years of sanctions and isolation, according ...