“Ten Years is Enough:” Mother of Canadian Resident Imprisoned in Iran Seeks Pardon
The mother of Saeed Malekpour, a Canadian resident imprisoned in Iran since 2008, sent ...
The mother of Saeed Malekpour, a Canadian resident imprisoned in Iran since 2008, sent ...
The following open letter was written and signed by six families of dual and foreign nationals who have been imprisoned ...
Imprisoned in Iran's Evin Prison since 2008, Canadian permanent resident Saeed Malekpour was hospitalized for a "heart attack" at ...
Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are blocking the granted furlough (temporary release) request of Saeed Malekpour, an Iranian-born Canadian ...
February 1, 2016— Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should extend all efforts to obtain the release of Saeed Malekpour, a Canadian resident and web develop imprisoned ...
Saeed Malekpour Prisoner of Conscience, Serving Life Sentence, is Finally Allowed In-Person Family Visits after a Year Prisoner of ...
The family of Saeed Malekpour, an Iranian-Canadian who was sentenced to death in January 2012, was finally allowed to see him after three months of not being able to visit him. His sister, Maryam Malekpour, told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that ...
Expressing grave concern about her brother’s conditions, Maryam Malekpour told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran that her family has had no news about her brother Saeed Malekpour, whose death sentence was forwarded to the Iranian Judiciary’s Sentence Enforcement Unit in February 2012. ...
Security forces have renewed the pressure on Saeed Malekpour, the web programmer and Canadian resident whose death sentence was upheld by the Iranian Supreme Court last month, to make a televised confession, his sister Maryam Malekpour told the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran. ...
(1 February 2012) Iran should immediately suspend the death sentence for web programmer and Canadian resident Saeed Malekpour and investigate allegations of his torture, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said today. ...
The death sentence of Saeed Malekpour, a Sharif Industrial University graduate who was arrested in 2008 by IRGC’s Cyber Army on the charge of “managing pornographic websites,” was upheld for the second time last week. According to BBC Persian, though Malekpour’s death sentence was overturned ...
(24 February 2011) The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran welcomed the addition of two Iranian officials by the United States government today to its list of human rights offenders, as well as reports that six European Union (EU) member states have called for ...
Iranian officials should base convictions on reliable evidence and due process. ...